Ultrasabers Spring Saber Giveaway
Spring has put us in a giving mood, which means it’s time for our Spring Saber Giveaway! Now through April 18th, get 15% Off ALL SABERS, plus up to 4 FREE SABERS with qualifying purchases, including the ever-popular Frankensaber. But that’s not all; you can also get a Free Extra Blade with your order and FREE SHIPPING on orders over $200 within the contiguous United States.
Enter Coupon Code: FREEBLADE at checkout to get a Free Blade added to your order of $200 or more.
Enter Coupon Code: FREEINITIATE at checkout to get a Free Initiate Saber added to your order of $300 or more.
Enter Coupon Code: FREEGRABBAG at checkout to get a Free Grab Bag Saber added to your order of $600 or more.
Enter Coupon Code: FREEMYSTERYBOX at checkout to get a Free Mystery Box Saber added to your order of $900 or more.
Enter Coupon Code: FREECUSTOM at checkout to get a Free Frankensaber added to your order of $1200 or more.
Ready? Let’s go!
Sale ends 4/18/2025
Every Ultrasaber is a custom Lightsaber, but a Frankensaber takes it to the next level. Every Frankensaber is a 100% custom Ultrasabers stunt saber, constructed from 100% randomly selected MHS parts from across the arsenal! Each time we run this promotion, HUNDREDS of Frankensabers are created here at the HQ, and no two have ever been the same. Every single one of them is 100% unique and 100% awesome!
We’re just scratching the surface! It doesn’t get more custom or unique than The Frankensaber- There are literally BILLIONS of possible combinations, and no two will be exactly the same! But act fast- these exotic custom lightsabers are exclusively available through this promotion!
The response we get from you all on the Frankensabers has been awesome, and we can’t want to see what you unwrap! And yes, as always, all of these coupon codes are combinable, meaning you could have 4 free sabers showing up with your order, one of which will be unlike any other Ultrasaber on the planet!
Those Free Saber Details
We are giving a Free Initiate Saber with every order over $300. Just place an order over $300 and enter the coupon code “FREEINITIATE” and this additional saber will automatically be added to your order. DON’T FORGET TO ENTER THE COUPON CODE “FREEINITIATE” if your order is over $300. This SWEET deal is in addition to all the deals offered. Maximum of one free Initiate per order. You have to place multiple orders to get multiple free Initiates. (Free Initiates are grab bag style random version and finish hilts with electronics installed and 24″ Initiate blade attached)
We are giving a Free Grab Bag Saber with every order over $600. Just place an order over $600 and enter the coupon code “FreeGrabBag” and this additional saber will automatically be added to your order. DON’T FORGET TO ENTER THE COUPON CODE “FREEGRABBAG” if your order is over $600. Maximum of one free Grab Bag Saber per order. (Grab Bag Sabers will be a randomly selected stunt saber from the website with electronics installed and 36″ Full Size blade attached)
We are giving a Free Mystery Box Saber with every order over $900. Just place an order over $900 and enter the coupon code “FREEMYSTERYBOX” and this additional saber will automatically be added to your order. DON’T FORGET TO ENTER THE COUPON CODE “FREEMYSTERYBOX” if your order is over $900. This AMAZING deal is in addition to all the deals offered. Maximum of one free Mystery Box Saber per order. You have to place multiple orders to get multiple free Mystery Boxes. (Free Mystery Boxes are of the $75 and $200 variety selected at random, with the majority obviously being from the $75 selections, with electronics installed and 32″ or 36″ Full-Size blade included). Check out the dozens and dozens of threads on the forums for ideas of what you could possibly get in your Free Mystery Box.
We are giving away a Free Frankensaber with every order over $1200. Just place an order over $1200 and enter coupon code “FREECUSTOM” and this additional saber will automatically be added to your order. DON’T FORGET TO ENTER THE COUPON CODE “FREECUSTOM” if your order is over $1200. This SWEET deal is in addition to all other active promotions & deals! Maximum of one free Frankensaber per order. You must place multiple orders to get multiple free Frankensabers. (Frankensabers will come with electronics installed and 36″ Full Size blade attached)
Darth Malgus cosplay courtesy of @ronald.powell.984