The Obsidian Launcher allows you to control every aspect of your Ultrasaber's Emerald Driver with ease. Download the latest version for Windows computers here.
Emerald Premium Lightsabers
What is an Emerald Lightsaber?
The Emerald LED Driver has been discontinued. The following will be maintained for those who already own a saber with an Emerald LED Driver so they continue to have the documentation/tutorials/instructions available to them.
An Emerald Lightsaber is an Ultrasaber that has been equipped with the most powerful and versatile LED driver on the market for custom lightsabers. Thus giving you the power to build a lightsaber of any color with a couple mouse clicks at any given time.
Before you harness the power of an Emerald Lightsaber it is very important that you educate yourself on its capabilities first. Please watch the videos below and prepare to have your mind blown by the versatility of these types of lightsabers.
You’ll find valuable resources such as the required desktop software and other links to further advance your use of your Emerald Lightsaber.
What does the Emerald Driver allow you to do?
- Gives you the ability to adjust the current on 4 individual channels that control 4 different colors (for example Red, Green, Blue, and White) and mix and match any of these adjusted channels to create almost limitless possibilities for different blade colors
- Gives you the ability to turn on/off a pulse mode so you can constantly pulse between two different custom colors
- Gives you the ability to adjust the time and duration of the pulse while in pulse mode
- Gives you the ability to have a Flash on Clash of ANY COLOR with any main color blade. No more color blending during FoC and no more limitations on the combinations. Throw the FoC Chart in the garbage and expand to unlimited possibilities (Available on Lightsabers with Sound only)
- Gives you the ability to change the time and duration of your Flash on Clash (Available on Lightsabers with Sound only)
- Gives you the ability to adjust the number of times your lightsaber flashes on clash (Available on Lightsabers with Sound only)
- Gives you the ability to make all these changes DYNAMICALLY, no DIP switch adjustments, no loading bar, no SD Card, no pin adjusting, no waiting. You click one button and you see your lightsaber blade change to the color of your choice right before your eyes.

Emerald Driver Videos
Installing the Obsidian Launcher on your desktop
Hey everybody its Emory again with Ultrasabers and I'm here today to show you guys how to install and use the launcher program for the new obsidian v4. What we have here is a laptop loaded with Windows 8 and behind it is a Mac I'm going to go ahead and show you how to install on both machines.
How to use the Emerald Driver with the Obsidian Launcher
Hey everybody, its Emory again with Ultrasabres and I'm here today to give you guys a short tutorial on how to use the new v4 launcher with your Emerald Driver. Now this is actually extremely exciting news and great functionality because it means that our Mac users can now use the Emerald driver with their Mac computers and there's also some new functionality for other users as well, so let's get right into it.
The Obsidian Launcher allows you to control every aspect of your Ultrasaber's Emerald Driver with ease. Download the latest version for Mac computers here.