Which Blade Color Is Best For You?

We’ve gone over the meaning of all of the different blade colors, but which one is most suited to you? Some people just know, or have an immediate preference, some people pick a Mystery Box to let the blade color choose them, but what do you do if you want to build a custom saber and don’t know which blade color will suit you?
Blade Colors

To start, here’s a basic quiz that can point you in the right direction. Answer the questions and add up the points to match up with a blade color:

1. Which best describes you?

A. Strong (10 points)
B. Wise (30 points)
C. Stoic (45 points)
D. Impulsive (95 points)
E. Rebellious (120 points)
F. Independent (175 points)
G. Resilient (200 points)

2. If you got in a fight, what would you do?

A. Try to use words instead of fight (15 points)
B. Defend yourself (45 points)
C. Use any tactic necessary (55 points)
D. Try to find help (65 points)

3. Your friend group consists of:

A. A large group of people with one ride or die (15 points)
B. A small group of good friends (45 points)
C. You’re a loner (55 points)
D. A lot of long distance friends and a best friend (65 points)

4. You want to be remembered for:

A. Always doing the right thing (15 points)
B. Your tenacity (45 points)
C. How awesome you were (55 points)
D. Your problem solving skills (65 points)
E. How kind you were (75 points)

5. Which famous lightsaber wielder do you most identify with?

A. Obi-Wan Kenobi (10 points)
B. Luke Skywalker (30 points)
C. Rey Skywalker (45 points)
D. Baylan Skoll (95 points)
E. Darth Vader (120 points)
F. Mace Windu (175 points)
G. Ahsoka Tano (200 points)

65-99 points: Blue
100-199 points: Green
200-299 points: Yellow
300-399 points: Orange
400-499 points: Red
500-599 points: Purple
600+ points: White

Now let’s delve a little deeper into the meaning of each color.

Blue Lightsabers

Jedi Guardians are often seen with blue lightsabers in hand. These warriors are experts in lightsaber dueling and usually mix in some acrobatic moves and telekinesis rather than relying heavily on Force powers. They’re known for their intense and rapid swordplay, charging straight at their foes without hesitation.

At its essence, the blue lightsaber symbolizes protection and serves as a shield against the darkness that threatens the peaceful beings of the galaxy. No matter the distance, a Jedi Guardian is committed to hunting down evil and putting an end to the suffering inflicted by the Sith on innocent lives.

Green Lightsabers

Green lightsabers are usually associated with Jedi who possess strong Force abilities. They can perform impressive feats like moving heavy objects and using mind tricks, which are just a few tools in their arsenal. Jedi Consulars are particularly known for their connection to green lightsabers. These Jedi prefer to avoid combat whenever possible, opting for meditation or negotiation over violence. While they are courageous, finding an aggressive Jedi Consular is quite rare. They typically use their lightsabers only as a last resort, focusing on defense and only striking back when absolutely necessary.

These Jedi embody qualities like poise, tranquility, adaptability, and understanding, all of which resonate with the essence of the green lightsaber. They are knowledgeable and resourceful, often seeking to resolve conflicts through reasoned communication and debate rather than resorting to violence. Because of their nature, these Jedi are rarely outsmarted. Strategic planning is crucial for the success of green lightsaber wielders, both in battle and in public discussions.

Yellow Lightsabers

The Jedi Sentinels, the traditional wielders of yellow lightsabers in legends, were one of the three main types of Jedi, alongside the combat-focused Guardians and the peace-oriented Consulars. They found a middle ground between these two, drawing from both sides to adapt their approach, whether it meant fighting, negotiating, or keeping an eye on things as needed.

Sentinels were all about practicality rather than strict beliefs. They loved picking up useful skills outside of traditional Jedi training, like fixing machines or providing medical care. While Guardians and Consulars might rely on the Force to repair a broken vehicle, Sentinels were more likely to just grab a tool and get their hands dirty.

Orange Lightsabers

Orange lightsabers symbolize those who find a middle ground between the Jedi and Sith extremes. These users often turn away from the strict beliefs of both sides, showing a preference for personal freedom and sticking to their own values instead of following traditional rules.

Force users with orange lightsabers usually embrace a mindset where the outcome is what matters most. They might use unconventional or questionable tactics if they think it will lead to a better result. Their choices are often seen as practical, prioritizing effectiveness over strict moral codes.

Red Lightsabers

Bold and unrestrained, red lightsabers are typically linked to volatility and untamed energy. While those who wield red lightsabers often exhibit eccentric behavior, they are usually dedicated to their overarching strategy and employ a comprehensive approach in their tactics. Beyond the aforementioned traits, the color red is also associated with anger, authority, and a disregard for the welfare of others.

In terms of personality, red lightsaber users are prone to bouts of frenzy. They frequently struggle to manage their emotions and tend to confront challenges with aggression, brutality, and a lack of compassion. These warriors are incredibly tenacious, willing to go to any lengths to achieve their objectives, even at the cost of their most cherished relationships or what remains of their emotional ties. They would obliterate anything in their way if it meant fulfilling their deepest ambitions. Exhibiting remarkable mental acuity and resilience, these individuals are prepared to do whatever is necessary.

Purple Lightsabers

Purple represents a bit of moral ambiguity, transformation, and healing. So, those who wield purple lightsabers often connect with both the Light and Dark sides of the Force. They tend to be a bit unpredictable, full of energy, and fiercely determined to achieve their goals. You’ll also find traits like solitude, empathy, and kindness in these users. They’re the lone wolves of the galaxy, often preferring to go solo and spending long periods in meditation to figure out their true calling.

When it comes to dueling, those with purple lightsabers are known for their sharp instincts and ability to anticipate their opponents’ moves. They tackle dangerous situations head-on with powerful, meaningful strikes. These individuals have a strong sense of self but can be easily swayed by their emotions and tempers. Balancing patience with chaos, they sometimes struggle to keep it together. In battle, they seek glory, and their excitement peaks in the heat of the moment. They fully embrace the chaos of war, and you can see it in their fighting style.

White Lightsabers

Ahsoka Tano is pretty much synonymous with white lightsabers. She first popped up in the Star Wars universe as a teenage Jedi Padawan under Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars. In her debut, she teamed up with Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi to lead the Republic’s clone army to victory against the droid forces on Christophsis, and later helped rescue Rotta, Jabba the Hutt’s son. Back then, Ahsoka wielded a green lightsaber, which eventually became two green blades, one a bit shorter than the other. These dual green lightsabers were crucial for her in many Clone Wars battles.

So, how did Ahsoka switch to white lightsabers? After the Clone Wars, she left the Jedi Order under less-than-ideal circumstances and found herself without her usual gear. While on the farming moon Raada, she faced off against the Sixth Brother, an Inquisitor, during a rebellion and managed to defeat him. She took his kyber crystals and crafted two new lightsabers with curved hilts. Interestingly, the process changed the crystals from red to white, giving her those iconic white blades. This moment is considered the origin of the white lightsaber in the Star Wars universe, or at least the silver lightsaber, as far as we know right now.