What Is The Meaning Of The Orange Lightsaber?

Shin Hati's Orange Lightsaber
Orange lightsabers are among the rarest and most intriguing blade colors in the Star Wars universe. They symbolize a nuanced stance in the cosmic conflict between the Jedi and the Sith. Unlike the traditional blue and green of the Jedi or the red of the Sith, orange lightsabers signify a distinct path that doesn’t strictly align with either side’s dogma. Here’s an expanded look at their significance:

Symbolism of Orange Lightsabers

  1. A Middle Path: Orange lightsabers are emblematic of individuals who navigate a path between the extremes of Jedi and Sith. These wielders often reject the rigid ideologies of both groups. This choice can reflect a desire to maintain personal autonomy and uphold one’s own ideals rather than conforming to established doctrines.
  2. Pragmatic Morality: The wielders of orange lightsabers often embody a philosophy where the ends justify the means. This means they may employ methods that are considered unorthodox or morally ambiguous if they believe these methods will achieve a greater good. Their actions can be seen as pragmatic, focused on results rather than strict adherence to a code.
  3. Independence: Orange lightsabers represent a form of autonomy. The rarity of this color underscores a unique position within the Force, where the wielder forges their own path rather than adhering to the conventional teachings of the Jedi or Sith. This independence can be both a strength and a source of isolation.

Orange Lightsabers in Canon

In canon, the appearance of orange lightsabers has been limited but noteworthy:

  • Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati: In the Ahsoka series, Baylan Skoll and his apprentice Shin Hati wield orange lightsabers. Baylan, once a Jedi and a general, chooses to reject his past affiliations and operate in a more mercenary fashion. His use of the orange lightsaber reflects his complex stance on the Force; he isn’t aligned with the Jedi or Sith, instead following his own code.

Baylan Skoll's Orange Lightsaber

Orange Lightsabers in Legends

In the Expanded Universe, also known as Legends, orange lightsabers have appeared with notable characters:

  • Plo Koon: The Jedi Master Plo Koon wielded an orange lightsaber briefly before his death. The choice of this color for Plo Koon could be interpreted as a symbol of his unique role and approach within the Jedi Order.
  • Yaddle: The Jedi Master Yaddle, known for her distinct approach to the Force, wielded an orange lightsaber for a time. Her use of this blade color represents her journey and her willingness to explore beyond traditional Jedi norms.

Orange Lightsabers in Video Games

In interactive media such as the Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor games, players have the option to choose an orange lightsaber blade for their character, Cal Kestis. While this customization option is not considered canon within the game’s storyline, it allows players to explore the aesthetic and symbolic significance of the orange blade in a personal and creative way.
Fallen Lightsaber with Orange Blade


The orange lightsaber stands out as a symbol of balance and individuality within the Star Wars universe. It represents characters who operate outside the strict confines of Jedi and Sith ideologies, embodying a pragmatic approach to the Force. Whether seen in canon, Legends, or interactive media, the orange lightsaber remains a powerful symbol of those who carve out their own path in the galaxy.