The most sinister bounty hunters on the streets coming at you with the funkiest of beats.
The team at Infectious Designer has unleashed the galaxy’s most feared duo, Darth Punk, with a bit of a remix! Armed with the Wompa Stompa mixtape and their fearless Gonk droid, Daft Vader and Boba Funk are on the hunt for the best recruits for the Darkside that the streets can offer.
Start with half a serving of Daft Punk inspired bangin’ beats, add a dash of perfectly placed Star Wars sound effects, whip together with LEDs and enough lights to embarrass the Vegas Strip, sprinkle generously with some UltraSabers, and serve.
Check out the video below, and make sure you tell the guys at Infectious Designer what you think of their Darth Punk creation!
Darth Punk lights up the streets