Azure Fallen Lightsaber
Availability: LEAD TIME - Allow 1 to 3 Business Days for Fabrication
Questions? Call 832-596-9003 or Click Here for How to Buy
- All Aircraft Grade Aluminum Construction
- Length: 16.25”
- Width: 1.5”
- Removable Pommel (MHS Compatible)
- Removable Emitter (MHS Compatible)
- Polycarbonate Blade
- CREE XP-E2 or LED Engin High Powered LED
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Ultrasabers Fallen
Hey everybody its Emory again with Ultra Sabers and I’m here today to introduce you guys to the newest addition to the Ultra Sabers family and that is The Fallen. Now we are super excited to be able to bring this model to you guys as soon as we are I’m sure the saber enthusiasts out there will recognize the inspiration behind this model and if you don’t recognize it I’m sure they’ll fill you in to the comments and all the forums so don’t worry sure it’s there already so yeah we are super excited that we could bring this matter to you guys and let’s get right to it let’s go over the features on the Fallen. To top to bottom here on the emitter we got the windows here loud and that of course is the sound of the best sound board on the market the Obsidian USB but back to it these windows here they let the ladder on both the front and the rear so you have windows in the emitter on the front and the rear and then we have this accent button here this is actually on the front and the rear as well. So you’ve got the windows and the accent button on the emitter and then moving on down to the body this grip here I’m not sure if you can see the texture on it sure you can see it in the pictures though if it’s not showing up in the video but this is one of the most comfortable grips on anybody most Ultra Sabers that I’ve felt it is extremely comfortable in your hand you guys are gonna be very happy with how this one feels that’s like just it’s one of those sabers you just want to pick up just to hold it and fit it in your hands but uh yeah. So, the texture on the grip is uh very grippy so you guys are definitely gonna like this and move it on down to the Covertec Wheel, each and every Fallen will come with the Covertec Wheel to match the anodized on the hilt and then the pommel. So, this pommel is actually pretty unique, and it does create a nice resonance chamber for the sound there. Wow so it’s gonna actually help with the volume on the Fallen. So what else have you got so let’s go over the two versions of the emitter so the combat rated version here and then we have the standard version so first unless you guys know what the difference is technically the standard version these fins are held in place with pins so pins hold these two the emitter on the combat rate of version these fins are held in place with screws that are hidden behind these accent pieces on the emitter so these are the fins are held firmly in place with screws and on the standard version is held in place with pins. Neither one is flimsy I mean these are solidly on here so these are just held in place with screws so practically what does that mean if you are going to be fighting full force with adult men or women we do recommend that you get the combat rated version if there’s a chance that someone is going to hit your fins with the blade full force we do recommend that you get the combat rated version. This is going to withstand that if you’re just using this for a cosplay what’s spinning what else we got here just to add to your collection then this is gonna be great and again this is more true to the inspiration behind the hilt but I personally do really like these accent pieces on the combat rated version there’s just my personal preference and just it’s been a little cool they had a nice flare to the hilt but again more true to the inspiration of the hilt it’s a standard version so that’s the difference there. And at Ultra Sabers we always want to give you guys a choice so you can build the saber of your dreams so yeah that’s what we have here there’s two different emitters combat rated and Non-Combat Rated and we are going to be offering both the pommel and the emitter standalone are on the website so you guys can look for those in the parts section. I think that’s everything like I said I’m extremely happy we’re able to bring those guys just the saber out to you guys as soon as we are so I’m sure you cosplayers out there looking forward to getting your hands on this one so you can a store order or whatever it is you got when they do what your Fallen just uh yeah. And again combat so if you guys are going to be fighting with this we do recommend a combat rated version and of course a heavy grade blade and I believe that is everything oh yeah of course we got to show you guys the different version so this is this is the Fallen here the black and blue we have the Azure Fallen and then in red we have the Crimson Fallen and then in gold we have the Fallen LE. So unbelievably pretty much everything the Fallen does comes standard with the AV switch the metal switch so there that’s not something you guys have to worry about that’s a standard feature on the fallen I think that’s everything. If you guys have any questions of course you can email us and like I said a lot of exciting stuff coming your way the Fallen is amazing and actually what I think you guys are gonna be most excited about what the Fallen it’s the price point as you can see this is a nice sized saber with a nice amount of features and I’m extremely happy we can bring it to you guys at the price point that we are. So yeah, I think you guys are gonna be very happy with the price point on the Fallen so happy we were able to get this release at this price point in it at this timeframe for you guys, so I hope you guys enjoyed the video and I really hope you guys enjoyed the saber and as always thanks for watching.

Ultrasabers is proud to present: The Azure Fallen
From top to bottom, The Azure Fallen is packed with features we love, and we’re THRILLED to be able to offer it at such an affordable price point for such an awesome saber.
The first thing you’ll notice about The Azure Fallen is its twin fins that flank the emitter, and stylishly cover the anodized rings that wrap it. On the exposed sides of the emitter rest twin vertical windows that give the saber an AWESOME look when it’s ignited. The Azure Fallen emitter is available in two styles, a Combat Ready, and Standard. We HIGHLY recommend the Combat Ready emitter for those of you who might find your saber being fiercely impacted by your opponent’s own heavy grade blade.
We’ve machined the hilt of the Azure Fallen to have one of the most comfortable grips that we’ve ever added to one of our sabers, and anodized it to give it a solid look in each of our four standard colors. The simple machining across the hilt gives the Azure Fallen a fantastic feeling in the hand, and is perfect for single or two handed combat. Each Fallen will come standard with an AV switch, and covertec wheel. The covertec wheel will be anodized to match the color of the hilt and etching on the rest of your saber.
Finally, the pommel really sets off this saber. The Azure Fallen sports a totally new and unique pommel, and has been designed as a resonance chamber to amplify the volume on your Obsidian Soundboards, should you elect to equip one to your saber (which we obviously recommend).
The Azure Fallen ships completely assembled and ready for combat out of the box. The emitter and pommel are MHS (Modular Hilt System) Compatible, meaning that they are removable and interchangeable with any other MHS compatible parts on any other saber in your collection. The pommel of the Azure Fallen will be available individually.
The Fallen is available in four finishes:
The Fallen with black anodized accents.
The Azure Fallen with blue anodized accents.
The Crimson Fallen with red anodized accents.
The Fallen LE with gold anodized accents.