Getting (Jedi) Fit

Here at UltraSabers, we craft some of the galaxy’s finest sabers, each one dispatched ready for the front lines. But sometimes they’re just not destined for battle… In an epidemic that seems to be spreading faster than Order 66, Lightsaber fitness classes have risen across the planet, and pounds are dropping faster than Jedi! Taking […]

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The History of Lightsaber Combat

Where did lightsaber combat begin? Who was the first person to pick up a saber and define the various arts of combat used by Jedi and Sith alike? Learn all about the seven lightsaber forms of combat and find your lightsaber combat style today. Form I – Shii Cho Form II – Makashi Form III […]

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For the Fallen of the 501st

The name “501st” is no stranger to the screens at Ultra Sabers HQ. It seems like every day stories of the 501st pour in, ranging from storming children’s hospitals in events for the Make a Wish Foundation, to their fundraising for amazing causes at conventions. An infectious air of grace and humility surrounds & follows […]

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UltraSabers in the Magic Kingdom

We’ve been called magical before, but this time it’s a bit different… Welcome to Disney World, the land full of princesses and fairies where all your dreams come true, like taking on Darth Vader and the Dark Side in one on one combat!! When Disney acquired the rights to Star Wars by purchasing LucasFilm, several […]

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Kaza Yuri Donates Saber

At Ultrasabers, we craft the galaxy’s greatest custom lightsabers, and we know that many of you take great pride in your Sabers. Most of you take time to craft the pinnacle of your armory, getting every piece just how you want it, while a small portion of you take a chance and spin the wheel […]

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Darth Punk Remix Brings The Funk

The most sinister bounty hunters on the streets coming at you with the funkiest of beats. The team at Infectious Designer has unleashed the galaxy’s most feared duo, Darth Punk, with a bit of a remix! Armed with the Wompa Stompa mixtape and their fearless Gonk droid, Daft Vader and Boba Funk are on the […]

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer

It has arrived! After months of waiting, the worlds most anticipated trailer is here, heralding the return of the galaxy’s most iconic heroes this side of the Beggar’s Canyon. Episode VIII Director Rian Johnson himself warns that the trailer is full of potential spoilers, and any purists should leave this page at once and go […]

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