Who Has a Blue Lightsaber in Star Wars?

The blue lightsaber is easily one of the most common in the Star Wars universe. There is a simple reason for this: It is the standard color of the lightsabers used by the Jedi, the stalwart guardians of peace and order. Only the red lightsaber of the Sith—the Jedi Order’s eternal enemies—rivals the blue saber in terms of prevalence across the galaxy. 

Who has a blue lightsaber in Star Wars? This iconic blade has been wielded by countless Jedi throughout history. While many blue lightsaber wielders exist in a galaxy far, far away, we’ll highlight some of the most legendary figures who have made this color so widely recognized.

 Famous Blue Lightsaber Users

For generations, the meaning of the blue lightsaber has been deeply tied to Jedi lore. This iconic blade has been wielded by some of the most legendary Jedi in Star Wars. Whether used in battle, defense, or training, this blade has played a crucial role in shaping history. While many have carried this iconic blade, here are some of the most famous Jedi with blue lightsabers who have left a lasting impact:

Luke Skywalker – When Luke took possession of his father’s lightsaber on Tatooine and turned it on, a dazzling blue plasma blade instantly extended from the emitter. That moment was many people’s first sighting of the world-famous lightsaber. Luke’s blue lightsaber remained his primary blade up through his famed duel with Darth Vader on Cloud City, where it was lost—at least temporarily.

Obi-Wan Kenobi – When you picture a Jedi with a blue lightsaber, Obi-Wan Kenobi is likely one of the first names that comes to mind. Obi-Wan wielded a blue lightsaber for virtually his entire life as a Jedi, from his early days as a Padawan to his final duel on the Death Star. His signature blade became a symbol of Jedi resilience and mastery. Interestingly, as a Padawan, Obi-Wan briefly wielded an orange lightsaber generated by a Kohlen crystal during his mission to Pijal with Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. As we know, he ultimately returned to the iconic blue saber that defined his legacy.

Anakin Skywalker – Anakin wielded a blue lightsaber during his days in the Jedi Order, though he actually had two—after his first was destroyed on Geonosis, he constructed a replacement. When he turned to the Dark Side, he took his blue saber with him, using it to execute Order 66 in one of the rare instances of a blue lightsaber being wielded by a Sith. Anakin lost his blue lightsaber when Obi-Wan defeated him in their duel on Mustafar. This, of course, was the same lightsaber that would eventually find its way into Luke Skywalker’s hands. Which brings us to…

Rey Skywalker – Luke’s blue lightsaber was eventually inherited by Rey, who used it quite successfully before creating her distinctive yellow saber. Despite struggling with her identity and lineage, she embraced the Jedi path, using the blue saber in her duels against Kylo Ren and the resurrected Emperor. In the final battle, Rey called upon the strength of past Jedi, wielding the blue lightsabers of both Luke and Leia to defeat the Sith once and for all. Afterward, she constructed her own yellow lightsaber, marking the beginning of a new legacy.

Other notable characters who use a blue lightsaber include Jedi Masters, warriors, and rebels who have defended peace throughout the galaxy. Leia Organa used a blue lightsaber briefly later in life before passing it on to Rey. Kanan Jarrus, a survivor of Order 66, used his unique two-piece saber to guide the next generation of Force users, while Ezra Bridger’s innovative blue lightsaber doubled as a blaster.

Do All Jedi Carry Blue Lightsabers?

It’s important to understand that while every blue lightsaber wielder is a Jedi (allowing for uncommon exceptions of a temporary nature), not every Jedi carries a blue lightsaber. The Jedi Order recognizes multiple saber colors, often representing different ranks or philosophies within their teachings. A blue lightsaber is traditionally associated with Jedi Guardians—warriors who focus on combat skills and defense—but it is not exclusive to them.

In general, a non-blue saber signifies that its owner has attained a high level of experience or seniority within the Jedi Order. Examples of this phenomenon include Luke Skywalker’s green-bladed second lightsaber, which symbolized a new phase in his life as a Jedi Knight. Also, Jedi Master Mace Windu was renowned for his amethyst-colored purple lightsaber

Anyone interested in discussing lightsaber history and other topics relating to Star Wars is invited to visit SaberForum.com. Feel free to contact Ultrasabers with any questions about our custom lightsabers and related lightsaber accessories.