Advanced Lightsaber Combat Tactics and Styles

Lightsaber combat in its present form is the outcome of many generations of discoveries, theories, and technological innovations. One particularly consequential result of all this effort was the invention of the seven classic lightsaber combat forms. But it should be understood that lightsaber combat theory also includes certain widely disseminated ideas and tactics that do […]

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Form-Specific Maneuvers in Lightsaber Combat

Lightsaber forms are often discussed in terms of broad generalities. For instance, Soresu (Form III) is known as the style that emphasizes defense, while Ataru (Form IV) and Juyo (Form VII) are for those who prefer to go on the offensive, and Niman (Form VI) is the “balanced” form for combatants who want to be […]

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Who Are the Knights of Ren?

The Knights of Ren first arrived on the scene as allies of the First Order during the tumultuous events depicted in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Led by Kylo Ren, this small but intimidating gang of armed marauders acted as his personal bodyguards, and also aided him in the search for the “last Jedi,” Rey […]

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The Lore and History Behind the White Lightsaber

The white lightsaber makes its first appearance in Star Wars canon as the preferred armament of Ahsoka Tano, the one-time Jedi who left the Order under a cloud of controversy. During the Clone Wars, she was falsely accused of participating in the sabotage of the Jedi Temple, but was eventually found to be innocent of […]

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